
I’d like to introduce you to an impact thought.  Here it is: God’s in the business of remaking broken lives.  If you feel your life has been shattered, with pieces scattered everywhere, take heart.  God can remake you into what He wants you to be.

I base this on Jeremiah 18:1-5.  In this portion of Scripture Jeremiah is told by God to go to the potter’s house and there God would give him a message.  “So he went down to the potter’s house and saw him working at the wheel, but the pot he was shaping was marred in his hands so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.  Then the word of the Lord came to me, ‘Oh House of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter does?’ declares the Lord. ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter so are you in my hand, Oh House of Israel.’” 

Put your name in place of “Oh House of Israel.”  Let God’s words speak to you: “Lud, can I not do with you as this potter does?  Like clay in the hand of the potter so are you, in my hand.”  If your life is broken under the pressure of circumstances, be pliable clay in His hands and trust God to remake you.  Remember, God’s in the business of remaking broken lives. 

If you feel your life is shattered with pieces scattered all about, take heart.  God can remake you into what He wants you to be.  Amazingly, often the outcome of the remake has a unique beauty and quality that couldn’t be produced any other way. 

Isn’t God a great re-creator?

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