
We left off our study of Isaiah 52:13-53:12 a week ago. Understanding that portion is the basis of what Isaiah says in chapter 55.  

This chapter reveals the evangelistic passion of the prophet Isaiah. His heart was aflame and his tongue eloquent as he did his best to explain how anyone can experience God’s mercy and pardon. That is the focus of this chapter. Now let’s see how this focus is amplified. 
In the first three verses the word “come” is found 5 times. Then in verses 2-3 you find these words: “Listen” two times and “give ear” and “hear.” Then in verses 6-7 you find 4 simple steps: “seek,” “call,” “forsake” and “turn.” 
Beginning with verse 8 the focus turns to God’s “thoughts,” “ways” and “words.” When you get to verses 12-13 you find a wonderful description of what you will experience in your life when all of these word truths come together. 
But the climax is not what you experience, no matter how wonderful that is. Listen to what Isaiah declares: “This will be for the Lord’s renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed.” 
Let’s take time to study how the focus is progressively amplified in this chapter. The focus we identified was this: Isaiah’s heart was aflame and his tongue eloquent as he did his best to explain how anyone can experience God’s mercy and pardon. 
The first thing he emphasizes is that we must come to God (verse 3) and receive the provisions God has freely provided. No matter how hard you’ve tried to satisfy your thirst and hunger, God offers all you need freely if you will just come to Him.
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