
“Grace increased all the more”  (Romans 5:20). 

Paul is leading up to a grand conclusion to his second point in the book of Romans; God’s provision of salvation. He has shown what faith is and how it works. He made it very clear what the object of our faith should be. If these elements are in place there will be a wonderful outcome; immediately, ongoing and ultimately.
As Paul moves toward the ultimate outcome he reaffirms the fact that the law was given to expose sin and increase man’s culpability. Then in chapter 5:20 he points out that “where sin increased, grace increased all the more.” 
There is never a sinner that sins so much that God’s grace would not be sufficient to forgive and to give him all that He intended for man to know experientially. But he can’t stop there because that leaves us here on earth during our lifetime. Listen to verse 21, “Just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 
Before someone trusts in Jesus Christ for salvation, sin reigns in death. Sin separates us from God. That’s spiritual death. You might think you are very much alive. You might be healthy, wealthy and on top of the world. But if you have not received Jesus Christ as your Savior you are spiritually dead. If you continue in your sin you will one day die physically. That will seal your eternal doom. 
Consider the alternative that God offers: Accept God’s grace, trust Him to give you His righteousness, and you will experience eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. That’s God’s provision of salvation.
If you’ve accepted God’s gracious provision of salvation take a moment to thank Him. If you haven’t, then now would be a good time to take that step of faith.
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