
In our last visit we began developing an outline for the book of Jude which we’ve been studying together.  Under the title, Prepared and Kept for the Presentation, we identified Jude’s purpose for writing the book, the problems faced by the recipients of the book, and God’s provision for living, no matter what situation they found themselves in.  Then we amplified the first point. 

Now, let’s consider amplifying point 2 – the problems the recipients of the letter faced.  Jude explained the history of opposition to God’s plan down through the centuries.  What they were facing was no different than what others faced before. 

Then he warned them about the opposition.  This warning is similar to what you find throughout the Old Testament and in extra or non-canonical writings.  You especially find it in apostolic declarations. 

The danger is very real.  Satan has always been out to destroy the work of God and the people of God.  At times he will attack in an obvious way.  At other times he’ll be far more subtle, working through his agents to infiltrate, deceive, corrupt, divide and destroy from within.  Notice the repetitive use of words like godless or ungodly, arrogance and boast, grumblers, faultfinders and scoffers.  In addition, we need to be careful about their message, especially when it comes across as flattery, as well as their methods that are characterized by deception and manipulation. 

Only God’s provision overcomes these problems, so guard yourself.

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