
“We have already made the charge, that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin”  (Romans 3:9). 

As we wrap up the first devastating point Paul makes in the first three chapters of his letter to the Romans let me summarize what we have found. We are without excuse because of both natural and special revelation. This is corroborated by our conscience. 
We have no argument that will stand before God because we have all failed to act according to what we know to be the truth. We engage in a game of comparing ourselves to other, but in so doing we merely add to our own condemnation. We will be judged by God whose absolute standard we fail to meet. And finally, the sentence has already been declared over and over again throughout the Bible. Under the brilliant searchlight of God’s truth our own sinfulness is exposed. 
It’s not that we’re as bad as we could be. We’re just as bad off as we could be. We all stand condemned. This is a message we don’t hear much anymore, even though the evidence about our misbehavior is overwhelming. 
Easy “believeism” is prominent, but many who believe they are saved don’t know what they’ve been saved from. The sinful nature and the resultant sinful behavior leave us totally and eternally lost if left to ourselves and our own devices. 
If that’s all Paul had to say in this book of Romans it would be bad news indeed. He wants us to be convinced of our lost-ness before he presents the Good News. For a person convinced of his lost-ness the Gospel of Jesus Christ is indeed Good News. To those who are self satisfied the Good News is foolishness and a stumbling-block. May we learn from the great Apostle.
Jesus didn’t call you because of your righteousness, but because you are a sinner.
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