
When reading the Bible, do you ever get the sense God is saying something to you personally that’s relevant to what you do?  This happened to me while reading Isaiah 28:23-29.  My work is to share the Word of God with people so that it might germinate in their minds and hearts and bear the fruit of new life in them.  This portion in Isaiah 28 is a word picture of that process. 

First, I looked at what is said in this portion.  It talks about a farmer cultivating the soil so he can sow the right seed in the right place.  When the seed bears fruit it is harvested and processed in appropriate ways.  Then it can be used to make something worthwhile. 

Once you discover what is said, take the next step: determine what it means.  In the context of this chapter the prophet has explained the judgment of God that the people were experiencing.  The point he makes in the word picture is that God has a purpose in mind and is carrying it out.  There is a time for plowing, breaking up and preparing the soil.  When that’s done, sowing takes place.  That’s how God works.  He doesn’t keep doing the same thing over and over.  When what He purposed for one phase is accomplished He begins the next phase. 

This process might result in difficulty and pain, described as threshing Caraway, rolling a cartwheel over some seed and grinding it, or beating other plants with a rod.  Likewise, when God completes each process in our lives, then He can make of us what He intended to start with.  In our next visit we’ll show how this can be applied to our lives. 

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