
We’ve been doing a topical study on “love” as found in John 13-17 using the 3 “C” approach: collect, correlate and crystallize.  We’ve collected what 30 references to “love” in these chapters have to say.  Then we correlated this information into a five- point outline under the title, “Love is like a Diamond.”  1. God the Father’s love.  2. Jesus Christ’s love.  3. Our love as believers.  4. The world’s love.  5. The quality of love.  Now we need to crystallize what we’ve learned into applications to our lives. 

If love is to be the distinguishing characteristic of Christianity we need to find ways to express this love in obvious, tangible actions.  Generally, this will be contrary to what would be natural for us.  Characteristics like servant-hood, obedience and sacrifice are not natural.  But when our hearts are filled with “agape” love we’ll want to express this love in our daily walk, work and relationships.  We need to rely upon the Holy Spirit to provide such love and cooperate with Him in expressing it in service, obedience and sacrifice. 

The result will be a building and bonding of relationships that give comfort and courage.  We will want to be in unity with one another, and rejoice in the welfare and honor of others.  We’ll want to help them succeed.  

While all of this is happening the world will be watching.  They’ll be listening as well.  As they do, some will be attracted and drawn to the Savior. 

That’s how God intended Christianity to work.

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