
In our last visit we introduced Isaiah, chapter 6, and some of the experiences he had as he saw the Lord, responded to Him in humility and brokenness of heart, and was touched by a seraph as an expression of the cleansing grace of God.  This prepared him to go and give God’s message in a new and dynamic way. 

In doing a “4S” study, once you’ve spread out all the information you gathered, sort it into groups and structure it into an outline.  When I did this I came up with 3 simple points: worship, woe and go.  That’s the order in which God wants to work in our hearts. 

Worship involves recognizing God for who He is; acknowledging Him as the Lord who is Holy, Holy, Holy. 

Recognizing our unworthiness as we stand before Him and in representing Him out in our world—that’s the Woe.  We need to recognize that we are sinners, needing to be cleansed, if we’re going to represent a Holy God. 

Once we find cleansing by God’s mercy and grace then we’re ready to hear God’s call to Go and tell

Let me summarize what we’ve learned.  If you’ve not heard God’s call, could it be you’ve not truly worshipped God or met Him in a personal way?  Let me ask another question.  If you’ve not heard God’s call, could it be you’ve not come to as deep a sense of sin in your life as you should?  That is, are you convinced of your need for God’s forgiveness and cleansing?  These are essential experiences if you want to be called by God and available to serve and represent Him in our needy world.

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