
In the priestly blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26 you find the secret of having the name of God put on you and becoming the recipient of His blessing.  The focus of this portion would be: Identified by God’s Name.  This is amplified by answers to two questions: How does this happen? and What does this do for us? 

It happens when the Lord turns His face toward you and shines His face upon you.  It’s as though God’s radiance, when He turns His face toward you, is like a searchlight focused on you, and you reflect His presence.  When this happens you’ll experience His grace and receive His peace. 

There is no greater blessing than knowing in the midst of whatever you’re experiencing at the time that God’s smile is upon you.  That’ll keep you and give you peace in any storm.  That’s what it means to be identified with God’s name.  It’s being able to say, “I belong to God, so all’s well.” 

When this is true in your life others will recognize that you belong to God.  And this often prompts their asking God to turn His face toward them and shine His smiling face of acceptance upon them.  Many have never had someone pronounce a blessing over them.  How sad.  

I want everyone listening to experience this blessing, so let me stop right now and take time to pronounce this priestly blessing over you: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26).

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