
We concluded our last visit by referring to the benefits of the inspired Word of God. The Psalmist, reflecting on these benefits, says in Psalm 19:10, the Scriptures “are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.”  

What makes the Bible so precious and desirable? Listen again, beginning at verse 7. The Bible is perfect. As such, it impacts more than the senses. It impacts the soul. It kindles the fire of life in the soul. God’s Word is trustworthy. Even the simple are made wise as they meditate on the statutes of the Lord. The precepts found in the Bible are right. When you do what is right you experience joy in the heart. There is a radiance that shines in the commands of the Lord. They give light to the eyes so you see God’s will more clearly. 
God’s Word helps you understand more fully God’s awesome greatness and holiness. This engenders a reverent fear and desire for purity of heart. The Bible also presents warnings to heed, and promises of rewards to pursue through being obedient. 
God’s Word helps us discern the errors of our way. Like the Psalmist in verses 12-13, we’ll be encouraged to cry out, “Forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.” That’s what all of us need: forgiveness and protection. 
Natural revelation is available to everyone. God wants us to take His special revelation, the Bible, to all who have not yet heard, so they too can experience forgiveness and protection.
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