
“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). 

In our last visit we started a focus and amplify study of the New Testament book of Romans. After reading it through I felt the focus or title for the book would be: The Key to Abundant Living. In the introduction, verses 1-17, Paul said the key is the Gospel. Now let’s consider how this focus is amplified.
1. In verses 18-3:20 Paul argues that all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory. This shows the universal need for salvation
2. Beginning at 3:21 through chapter 6 Paul amplifies God’s answer to the sin problem. This is the available provision of salvation
3. In chapters 7 and 8 Paul amplifies what is known as sanctification. He shows how the Holy Spirit makes this possible. 
4. In chapters 9-11 Paul amplifies the historical setting in which our salvation and sanctification takes place. This gives us the historical perspective to salvation. This section is somewhat parenthetical and helps us get perspective on the plan of God in human history. 
5. Then the final point Paul makes in chapter 12 through 16 amplifies the steps we need to take to integrate the truth of salvation into daily behavior. This is the practical outworking of salvation. Here you get snapshots of what it looks like to live in our kind of world as a saved person who is in process of being sanctified. 
Once the focus of the book is amplified in these 5 main points Paul concludes the book. You might have come up with different main points. That’s fine, as long as they cover the material found in the book of Romans. It will help you remember what you have learned.
Try memorizing the five main points developed in the book of Romans.
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