

In our last visit we developed an outline for the book of Romans.  Title: The Key to Abundant Living.  Main points: the universal need for salvation; the available provision of salvation; the Holy Spirit, essential for sanctification; the historical perspective to salvation; the practical outworking of salvation.  Now let’s begin to amplify it. 

Before we get to the main points let’s look at the introduction, chapter 1:1-17. As you read notice Paul’s mission, message and Master.  Paul identifies himself as a “bond servant.”  This is based on the Old Testament description of a slave who chooses to permanently be a slave to his master.  He is taken to a door-post in his master’s house and the master pushes an awl through his ear into the door-post.  This is a sign that he has chosen to be a permanent slave for his master. 

Paul considered himself a bond slave for life to his Master, Christ Jesus.  When called to be an apostle he had only one response, to go.  An apostle is one sent to represent his master.  He was set apart for this purpose. 

As an apostle he received grace “to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith” (Romans 1:5).  He wholeheartedly preached the gospel and prayed for the converts to see them established in the faith.  He was not ashamed of the gospel and felt obligated to take it to Jew and Gentile, wise and foolish.  He was eager to preach this gospel that had the power of God to save everyone who believed it.  That was his mission. 


What is your mission in life?  Are you fulfilling it?


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