
I meditate on Isaiah 50:4-5 from time to time.  Anyone desiring to be used of God would be wise to do the same.  Let’s do a focus and amplify study of these verses.  I believe the focus is: “Basic Preparation for Christ-like Living.” 

This whole section of Isaiah is about the Servant of the Lord and looks prophetically toward the coming of Jesus Christ.  Isaiah 50, verses 4-5, describe how Jesus prepared Himself to effectively carry out His mission.  As I amplified this focus I thought of Jesus as a mentor who wants me to follow His example.  The following five points emerged, based on these verses: Refreshed, Regular, Receptive, Responsive and Rewarded. 

Refreshed describes how you feel after a night’s rest.  Notice, The Sovereign Lord wakes Him up in the morning.  I know my mind is at its best after a good night’s rest.  Establishing the time of day when you are refreshed and at your best is a good time to seek the Lord and learn from Him. 

Notice He was awakened morning by morning.  Regularity helps in the process of learning.  It’s easier to be organized when you have a regular time and place to meet with God.  Routine can get you into a rut, but it can also be the basis of greater efficiency.  Isaiah says the Sovereign Lord wakened Christ’s ear to listen like one being taught.  He opened His ears.  God can not only wake us up, He can open our ears and make them attentive to listen and learn what He wants us to know. 


We need to be receptive.  Pray for this as you prepare daily to live in a Christ-like way.

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