
We’ve been learning, to be love driven or directed in life, self needs to get out of the way.  “Agape” love isn’t produced by sheer effort, but only by the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5 it says you don’t become a Christian by trying to act like one, nor do you grow and become productive as a Christian by trying to act like a mature Christian.  Salvation and growing come by faith in God’s provision and promise. 

Galatians 5:22-23 says, “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”  This cluster of fruit describes a love driven or directed life. 

Love is an unconditional commitment to do all you can for the welfare of the one loved.  Joy is celebrating what you have rather than grumbling over what you don’t have.  Peace is deliverance from conflict because you don’t need to win.  Patience is contentment because you don’t need all you want right now.  Kindness is sensitivity which disarms and dispels differences.  Goodness is working to see God’s purposes fulfilled no matter the circumstances or cost.  Faithfulness is foundational for building and maintaining healthy relationships.  Gentleness is strength harnessed and harmonized to compliment others.  Self-control is the ability to make tough decisions and implement them with grace, objectivity and selflessness. 

Only the Holy Spirit produces this cluster of fruit.  Trust Him to produce it in and through your life.

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