
The tabernacle as described in Exodus 25 and following was designed to be the focal point in the life of the people of Israel.  The cost of the materials alone, was significant.  The beauty of the gold overlaid furniture in the tabernacle was stunning. 

The tabernacle always was to be in the center of the people wherever they encamped.  Since this is where God chose to dwell, when He wanted them to move He would have the pillar of fire or cloud rise and move in the direction He wanted them to go.  When He wanted them to camp He stopped, hovering over them, as the tabernacle was reassembled.  Everything was made in such a way that it was portable.  Every detail for taking it down, carrying it when God decided to move, and for reassembling it when God decided to stop, is spelled out.

Moses prayed in Exodus 33:15 that God’s presence would go with them.  The tabernacle was the place where His presence was manifest.  It was the place where they were to meet God. 

As I reflected on this I felt that in our day we tend not to take seriously enough the privilege of meeting with God, renewing relationship with Him on an ongoing basis, and having Him direct our lives, going forward only when He chooses to go forward, and stopping when He stops. 

He wants to be in the center of our lives and our churches.  When we fail as the Israelites did, committing idolatry with the golden calf, we need to follow His instructions for renewing our relationship with Him and worshipping Him.   

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