
God is concerned about our walk, behavior, and the way we relate to circumstances and others around us.  But of even greater importance is how we relate to Him. So it’s not surprising to see, as you read the last half of the book of Exodus the focus is on a covenant relationship with Him and our worship of Him. 

You can get bogged down in reading all the detailed instructions about gathering the materials for building the tabernacle and the furniture in the tabernacle.  The reason the details are so meticulous is because that’s where God was going to dwell among His people.  It suggests that God wants us to take coming into His presence seriously.  He is the august, holy God of Israel.  He is the wholly Other. Yet He wants a close, covenant relationship with His people. 

The tabernacle was designed to make this kind of relationship possible.  The sacrifices were to be prepared and offered in specific ways.  The priests also played a significant role in making the relationship with God possible.  They represented God to man and man to God.  Moses, himself, had a unique place in this whole process. 

In a focus and amplify study of chapters 20 – 40 I would identify the focus as: True Worship is a humbling and exhilarating experience.  While reading these chapters keep this focus in mind.  See how it is amplified in the details of the tabernacle, the people associated with the building, care and worship associated with the tabernacle, and the glorious sense of awe, as God fills the tabernacle with His presence.

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