
We’ve been considering lessons to apply based on what we’ve learned from studying Gideon’s life as recorded in Judges 6-8. 

When he and the Israel army vanquished the Midianites “the Israelites said to Gideon, ‘Rule over us – you, your son and your grandson – because you have saved us out of the hand of Midian.’”  His immediate response was, “I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you.  The Lord will rule over you” (Judges 8:22-23).  He learned well that God orchestrated all that happened.  He could not take the glory that was rightfully God’s.  All he did was let his light shine before men, that they may see his good deeds and praise his Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). 

But then he did something that he gave no reason for in the Biblical record.  He asked for some of the gold from the bounty of victory and made a replica of an ephod in gold and placed it in his hometown.  It became a religious relic that led to idolatry and a snare to Gideon and his family.  So much went into his preparation for the campaign against the Midianites.  So much was demanded in carrying out the campaign.  Then the euphoria of victory and the weariness from the battle caused him to do something without considering unintended consequences. 

Though there was peace during the remaining forty years of his lifetime the unintended consequences during those forty years, including acquiring forty wives plus a concubine and the drift into idolatry, unfortunately resulted in Gideon not finishing well. 

Today’s success, resulting from faith and obedience, does not guarantee tomorrow’s success and ongoing spiritual vitality. 

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