
The first Christian martyr, Stephen, mentioned in Acts 6-7 didn’t see the good God was working out through his life and witness. He died before it was evident. In fact, things got worse before God started turning things around. 

Stephen’s witness was what I would call pre evangelism. His witness prepared the way for Saul’s conversion. It was the beginning of God exposing the wickedness of his heart. Until you know that you are a sinner you will never have reason to turn to God for salvation. 
They say that it takes quite a few touches of God’s love through the witness of Christians before someone considers turning to Jesus Christ for salvation. Stephen’s life and witness was a significant touch in Saul’s life. He never forgot it. Other Christians also touched his life before his Damascus encounter with Jesus. Never loose sight of this fact. You might never see the impact of your life on others. Commit that to God. He is working it into the fabric of the good He is committed to accomplish. Trust Him. He will not fail. 
Billy Graham has often said when people praise him for the many people who have come to faith in Jesus Christ through his ministry, “It’s not me that has made the difference. It’s those who have prayed. It’s those who have witnessed to these people before they ever came to these meetings. It’s those who invited them to come. It’s people who have given money to make these meetings possible. They deserve the credit.” 
I could second that sentiment. Others have prepared the hearts that I have had the privilege of leading to faith in Christ.
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