
We’ve been doing a focus and amplify study of Luke 1.  Thus far we’ve amplified the focus – Characteristics of Revival – by looking at the prevailing conditions, and considering the divine initiatives and human responses.  Now let’s look at the wonderful results.

Miracles took place when Elizabeth and Mary became pregnant.  Also when Zechariah’s speech was taken from him and then returned to him.  Prayers were answered beyond expectations.  Deepening relationships also began to take place.  Notice verse 17: the promised effect of John’s ministry would be that the hearts of fathers would turn to their children and the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous.  This would prepare a people to be ready for the Lord.

There was affirmation of Mary by Elizabeth.  And, significantly, there was Spirit inspired worship.  John leaped for joy in Elizabeth’s womb.  Mary’s Magnifcat in verses 46-55 and Zechariah’s prophecy in verses 68-79 are worth meditating on.

As we’ve observed these characteristics of revival, hopefully you are encouraged to believe that God could break through the routine of our lives and again do miraculous works in our midst.  He can heal family relationships as well as other relationships.

Remember, God chose to work through faithful believers, not perfect people, but faithful people.  People who are willing to obey and surrender to God’s bidding.  God can again bring joy and rejoicing, Spirit inspired worship and deepening understanding.  Let’s pray that He will do it again!

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