
In recent visits I have been sharing how God used people in preparing me to receive the Gospel, in helping me take that step of faith, and in growing as a Christian. One additional relationship that I must mention is with my church family, FellowshipBibleChurch 

We started as a church over 33 years ago, Labor Day weekend. They asked me to be their pastor. We didn’t have a building, we didn’t have a bank account, and I didn’t have a house for my family. Together we felt God wanted us to start something for Him. From the beginning they allowed me to pursue ministry that was consistent with my gifting and passion. My wife, Mur, and I have endeavored to serve the church faithfully. 
At our 25th anniversary I shared with them what Paul wrote in 1st Thessalonians, 2:19-20, “For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.” 
We worked together in reaching people in our community, helped them grow in their walk with Christ, and shared in their joy as well as their heartaches. We had the joy of planting a sister church that is having a significant ministry in a neighboring community. We’ve sent some of our own to serve in far corners of the world. 
I dedicated one of my books, A Call to Responsible Freedom, to the people of FBC because they have meant so much to me. As this year closes I will be finishing my service as a staff person at FellowshipBibleChurch. I am grateful to God for them.
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