
If you’ve been listening to this program you know the purpose of the program is to encourage people to read and study the Bible as a vital part of everyday life.  As I teach the Bible I try to help you understand how I study the Bible so you can learn some Bible study methods to use on your own. 

There’s something special about studying the Bible and discovering the truth for yourself.  Then you can read commentaries and try to see how they came to their conclusions. This interactive process is a good way to learn God’s word and get the message.  That’s what I try to encourage and help you, the listener, to experience. 

As we approach this coming year I have been thinking for some time that I should take a journey with you of reading through the Bible.  The more I thought about this, I felt taking two years to read through the Bible might be a good pace.  This would require reading about two chapters a day.  I’ll read along with you and then share some of what I discover in my reading and study.  I’ll show you how I discover the truth and how I hope to apply it to my own life.  Hopefully you’ll find this beneficial to your life as well.  I believe as you read along with me you’ll discover some things yourself that will be helpful to your life. 

I have a free booklet on Bible study helps offered as a download on the bottom of the home page of this website.  Let’s plan to “read the Bible through in two” years.   

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