
After much thought and prayer, I’m preparing for starting a new initiative on this program, to encourage as many as possible to read through the Bible over the next two years: Read it through in two. 

While preparing, I received an email from Joel Rosenberg with some exciting news. You probably haven’t heard this in the mainstream media, but Israel’s most senior leaders are urging the Jewish people to read through their Bible, the whole Bible, verse by verse, chapter by chapter.  Given the general trend in Israel towards secularization, this is quite a surprising yet thoroughly encouraging development. I’m sure many of you might be skeptical, but it’s really true.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kicked off the new school year by encouraging children to rediscover the Word of God and Biblical roots of their Jewish heritage.  He said, “Knowledge is a critical word. We want to give it [that is, knowledge of the Scriptures] to every child in Israel, Jews and non-Jews, religious and secular. This is the basis of the new world, and the basis of Israel as a strong nation in the world.” 

The Psalmist is right when he writes in Psalm 119: “Oh, how I love your law!  I meditate on it all day long.  Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me.  I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes.  I have more understanding than the elders…Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”  More on this initiative in the remaining days of this year.  Why not join us.                                                                                                                                                                

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