
Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. (Ephesians 6:19) 

There are two final points I would like to make regarding preparing yourself to be a faithful and fruitful ambassador for Jesus Christ   
First, work at preparing your personal testimony. Take a sheet of paper and in the first third of the paper describe your life before you trusted in Jesus. Use the second third to describe how you came to trust in Jesus Christ. Be specific enough that someone reading or hearing your testimony would know what to do if they wanted to receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. The final third is to share the difference Jesus Christ has made in your life. I would enjoy reading your testimony. I might be able to make some suggestions so you could share it more clearly. Just email me: ludgolz@aol.com
The final point I would make is to pray daily for God to open up doors of opportunity for you to share God’s love with others. In the morning commit yourself afresh to God and ask Him to be in control of your life. As you see opportunities open up pray that God will enable you to make the most of them, to say the right things, to share appropriate scripture. Then, when you have done what you could, pray that God will follow up your efforts and bring forth fruit for His glory. 
I would encourage you to ask others to pray for you about this. The apostle Paul did in a number of his letters to churches. 
I would ask you to pray for me and the opportunities God gives me in the days ahead.  If you would like to be kept informed about my ministry, let me know and I will put you on my prayer team and send you regular updates.     
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