
Today let’s look at another question in the devotional study we’ve been doing.  What does the book of Titus say about man?  In one sense the whole book addresses issues regarding man. 

Here’s what I found: Man is lost, seen in his behavior.  He has a moral sense which responds to truth.  He is teachable and can experience change.  He can be saved and justified, so that God can accept him without compromising His own holiness.  This change can’t take place by man’s effort.  It’s possible only by God’s grace (Titus 2:11), “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.” 

So we need to acknowledge, we’re lost, if left to ourselves.  No matter how hard we try, we always come short.  Then we need to recognize we are the target of God’s grace.  Think of it: The God of the universe is so loving and kind that He targets us with His grace, offering us His salvation.  If we trust in Him and accept this gift from Him, He will change us.

Then we, by His power, can begin living according to His precepts.  Even more, we can share this good news with others.  Even though they’re lost, as we were, they are teachable and can be changed by the power of God. 

If you’re not sure where you stand and want God to save you, pray this prayer: “God, thank you for offering to save me through Jesus Christ.  I want Him to be my Savior.  Please forgive me, take control of my life and make me the person You want me to be.  Amen.”

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