
See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.  (Revelation 3:8)

On the same trip I mentioned in our last visit I was flying from Prague to Zagreb, Croatia.  I was tired and prayed for a seat where I would not be disturbed.  When I found my assigned seat I noticed some empty seats across the isle and planned to move as soon as we got air-born. 

My assigned seat was next to a well dressed woman who accidentally dropped a paper from her lap.  I reached to pick it up and she thanked me in clear English.  This started a conversation that lasted the whole trip.  No rest for the weary! 

She had been on a shopping weekend in England.  While waiting to transfer in the Prague airport she passed the time window shopping.  Gradually she felt guilty that she had spent so much on herself, even extending the trip an extra day, while her son was at home.  Being a single mom she asked for forgiveness and prayed for help. 

God answered her prayer as well as my prayer of a few days back asking for compassion and a willingness to witness for Christ.  She had made a commitment to Jesus Christ some time ago but didn’t know how to maintain her walk with the Lord.  I shared with her the promises of God’s love and prayed with her to restore her relationship with Jesus.  As we exited the plane I was able to give her a copy of one of my books that had been published in Croatian. 

By the grace of God He prepared my heart to see and buy up an opportunity He brought my way.  At the same time He prepared her heart to receive the truth and respond to it. 

What a joy to see the power of God at work in the flow of life.


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