
As we’ve studied Paul’s farewell address to the Ephesian church elders we’ve used the “4S” study method: spread, sort, structure and summarize. We’ve structured three points in our outline, now let’s look at what Paul said about the church in Ephesus. They were a group of people, bought by Jesus sacrificing His blood – thus they belong to Him. This is grace – God doing for them what they could not do for themselves. He is their protector so they are secure in Him. The enemy knows this but sends savage wolves to launch surprise attacks. Some emerge from within the church seeking to get a following, thus threatening division. The church is vulnerable, but as they submit to God and hide God’s Word in their hearts and minds they can withstand the enemy. In fact, they will grow and be encouraged to appropriate their rightful inheritance. This results in a bonding with other believers – they will feel connected. They’ll appreciate those who lead them and feel the loss when fellow believers need to move on. What a moving scene develops at the close of Paul’s address. They fall on their knees and pray together. Then they embrace and weep as they kiss each other. It’s hard for them to tear themselves apart as Paul gets into the boat and leaves. What a blessing to be a part of such dynamic fellowship. It’s a snapshot of what every believer in a church should experience. Tragically, this is not always maintained. The church in Ephesus, after a few decades had left their first love and were challenged to restore it. This is the major challenge for every church and the church worldwide.

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