
I have been longing for many years to see you. (Romans 15:23) 

Paul Harvey, the well known radio personality, is known for sharing "the rest of the story!"  Many who read the letters of the New Testament think they have finished the story when they get to the closing remarks of the writer.  Those closing remarks are often read rapidly and with little thought.  In fact, the closing remarks often tell you the rest of the story. 
Studying the book of Romans as we have this year has been refreshing and challenging.  Paul covered the major truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  He also presented some practical applications in chapters 12-15:13.  When he starts to close this letter to the Roman church he explains why he has not visited them.  Now, he says, he is ready to visit them immediately following his trip to Jerusalem.  This letter was written to prepare them for his visit. 
You might think there is nothing more of importance to ponder.  I would suggest some of the most important things a person shares in a letter are left for last.  Consider the upper room discourse in John 13-16, where Jesus Christ shared the full extent of His love for the disciples before He was arrested, put on trial and crucified on the cross.  The record of the teaching and activities of Jesus in the Gospels is important.  What He shared in the intimacy of the upper room was very important. 
Paul likewise shares his heart with the Roman Christians in the closing chapter and a half of his book to them.  Let’s study "the rest of the story" very carefully.  It could change the direction of your life and how you live it in the days ahead.

As you read Paul’s closing words see if you can identify his heart message to the Romans.

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