
In doing a focus and amplify study of the book of Jude I determined the focus was, Facing forces opposing Christianity.  The first half of the book identifies forces the church was facing.  What is described is still true in the world and the church today.  How are we to contend for the faith? 

Verse 20 identifies some basic steps we can take to be strong for the battle.  Christians should build themselves up in their faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, keep themselves in God’s love, and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring them to eternal life.  

Jude also identifies what we as Christians can do for those around us.  We are to be merciful to doubters, snatch others from the fire.  To others show mercy, but take great care not to be sucked into their lifestyle. 

Jude concludes this letter by declaring God’s faithfulness.  God is able to keep them from falling, to preserve and present them without fault before His glorious presence with joy.  In other words, when we as Christians face the forces opposing us we need to depend upon God to keep us safe and enable us to grow into mature, strong Christians. We also need to depend upon Him as we seek to reach others in need and help them establish a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Until we see this fulfilled it’s appropriate for us to declare, “To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

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