
Thanksgiving is a theme found throughout the book of Psalms. Have you ever written a psalm to God? Let me share a psalm I wrote some time ago.  

“God of truth – thanks for sharing truth about Yourself with me. Thanks for opening up truth reservoirs, infinite in nature, yet expressed in finite terms I can understand. Your revelations are both simple, so I can readily comprehend, and profound, so I must humbly bow and believe. They satisfy as well as stimulate. They penetrate in order that they may permeate. They open up in my mind and then overwhelm my heart. 
“God of truth – thanks for sharing truth about myself. I would never have known how fearfully and wonderfully I am made.  Somehow, the more I discover about myself the greater my appreciation of You. Your creative genius. Your gracious patience and persistence in working, and then reworking what I distort and destroy. You are always working good no matter what I leave You to work with. Piece by shattered piece, placed into a mosaic that proclaims: ‘Created in God’s image.’ 
“God of truth – expose untruth. Enable me to explore the true truth. Enlighten my mind and heart to discover the truth which is found perfectly in the person of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who humbly, yet boldly declared, ‘I am the Truth.’ Then enslave me with the truth that alone can set my heart free!” 
Take some time to think about what you are thankful for. Then, write out your own Psalm of Thanksgiving. It doesn’t have to be in a publishable form. God won’t mark it up with a red pencil. He’ll look down on you and smile gratefully.
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