
In our study of Ezra we’ve seen how Israel’s enemies tried to frustrate God’s people into stagnation.  We also saw how God’s prophets, confronted His people with His Word, reigniting their vision, passion and obedience.  Great things are accomplished when that happens. 

A truth emerged in my mind as I tried to understand these negative and positive dynamics.  The enemies pushed for a search to be done to prove the city of Jerusalem had been a rebellious place.  The Israelites pushed back by asking that a search be made to find out if a proclamation to rebuild the temple was made by the king.  In both searches what they were looking for was found. 

I wrote this in my Bible’s margin: “You often find what you’re looking for.  History might confirm your bias if you only look for what supports your bias.  Objective searches might lead to other unexpected outcomes.” 

The Bible can help here.  It will keep you from being too quick to judge others.  It will also give you a healthier perspective when challenged to be patient with someone.  If you are intent on finding flaws in others, you won’t need to look too hard.  All of us are flawed.  Before you look for flaws in others, however, be sure you take the beam out of your own eye. 

Ask God to enable you to see others as Jesus would.  Look for their potential.  Try to discover some of their past successes.  Affirm rather than criticize.  Love rather than antagonize.      

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