

That my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there.  (Romans 15:31)

Do you find it hard to keep being productive while going through transition?  Is it hard to maintain discipline in your daily life?  Consider how Paul did it as described by him in Romans 15. 

He kept his passion in focus (verses 20-22): to reach the un-reached.  He ate, drank and slept that passion.  It drove him when he felt stymied while in transition. 

To fuel that passion he worked at identifying some goals   First, he wanted to preach where Christ was not known (v. 20).  That was such a priority in his life that he put off other desirable tasks, such as visiting the church at Rome (v. 22).  Reminding himself of his top goal drove Paul during tough times.  It helped him maintain discipline. 

Paul also wanted to help new Christians grow so they could advance God’s kingdom.  He knew the Roman believers were "full of goodness, complete in knowledge and competent to instruct one another" (v. 14).  Nevertheless, they needed some reminders (vv. 15, 16).  He wanted them to be capable of helping him reach the un-reached. 

I have two primary goals in ministry that are similar to Paul’s second goal.  I want to equip, encourage and empower the believers in our church to do the work of ministry God has called and gifted them to do.  In addition, I look for opportunities to encourage those already in ministry to stir up their gifts and sharpen them. 

Paul’s third goal was to see everyone in the body of Christ function as they should.  This meant Gentile believers who had shared the Jews’ spiritual blessings should be willing to share their material blessings with the Jews (v. 27).  

What goal or goals, when accomplished, will contribute to seeing your purpose or mission fulfilled?


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