
So after I have…made sure that they have received this fruit, I will go to Spain.  (Romans 15:28)

In our last visit we began amplifying the focus of Romans 15:14 through chapter 16.  Paul shared how he maintained perspective.  We considered where he had been or what he had accomplished in the past.  Now let’s look at where he was or what he was presently doing. 

Paul did not suffer from any lack of certainty about his present task.  He was on his way to Jerusalem to serve the church there with an offering from believers in Macedonia and Achaia (vv. 25, 26).  This was not a "Priority One" task with him, but it was part of the big picture of building Christ’s kingdom.  He was committed to finishing this task and making sure the poor among the saints in Jerusalem got what had been raised (v. 28). 

You can’t live on your past accomplishments.  When the going gets tough and confusion sets in, it’s okay to reflect on past accomplishments, but don’t spent too much time doing that.  Look to the past for perspective and encouragement, but don’t live in the past.  If you do, you may never complete your present assignment, especially if it’s not "Priority One" with you.  Complete your present task as soon as you get your batteries charged from your memory file of affirmation and past accomplishments. 

There is a joy that comes in putting the last block in place, in closing the final chapter of a book, in crossing the finish line of a particular race.  Don’t rob yourself of that joy by stopping short of finishing the task at hand. 

Finishing the task at hand will give you incentive to face the next task before you with confidence and enthusiasm.

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