
We’ve been studying how to help our children learn how to honor their parents which is commanded in Ephesians 6:1. We saw they will learn this best within an environment where honoring each other within the family is practiced by all. This is also commanded in Romans 12:10. To cultivate such an environment we should be committed to each other and respect each other. Once these qualities of relationship are in place it will be natural to honor one another. But we are to honor each other even if those qualities are not there. In other words, Ephesians 6:1 doesn’t say, “Honor your parents if they deserve it.” It simply says, “Honor your father and mother,” period! Since there is a promise of enjoying long life on earth if you do this it would be wise to do it, no matter what. How do children honor their parents? First, and foremost, by obeying them. I believe the only time this is not required of children is when parents ask them to do something clearly forbidden by God. In Acts 5:9 the apostles declared, “We must obey God rather than men!” In addition, we honor our parents by being courteous, honest and doing our best at whatever we do; that is, doing our best at school, at work and in any other endeavor. Never use the excuse of blaming your parents for not being what they should be in their personal behavior or in their support emotionally, financially or otherwise. Live in a way that others who observe you will be prompted to say, “She must have wonderful parents for her to be what she is today.” That’s honoring your parents.

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