
So far in our study of Mark 11 we’ve spread out the information found in the chapter, sorted it into groups or topics, and structured it into an outline.

The three points in the outline are, 1. Praise: it was prepared for by Jesus and the people, expressed by what they did and by what they said, and it was accepted by Jesus. 2. Prayer: the place of prayer, the focus of prayer: all nations and whatever you’re concerned about, and the conditions of prayer: faith and a forgiving heart. 3. Power: exercised, questioned and acknowledged.

Reflecting on this outline I came up with the title: "Essentials for doing God’s will." Now that we’ve structured an outline we need to take the final step in the "4S" study approach: Summarize our thoughts into some applications to our lives.

One application would be to memorize Scripture so you can use it in your times of praising God. Another would be, the place where God’s people meet should be a house of prayer for all nations. Our church prayer times should be missions or globally oriented. Also, we need to be sure our lives are pure and that we have forgiving hearts if we want to pray effectively.

We could also put an application regarding prayer in the words of Hebrews 11:6, "Without faith it is impossible to please God." Finally, whatever we attempt to do we should rely upon the authority and power of Jesus to see it accomplished. Without Him we can do nothing.

If this study of Mark 11 has been helpful to you and you want additional material to help you in your Bible study, click on the free Bible study guide link on the bottom of the home page on this website or email me: ludgolz@outlook.com.

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