
As I mentioned in our last visit, I was recently asked to meet with a woman in distress.  Her mother had a stroke and was in failing health. Her husband had struggled with cancer for about 20 years. They have two young children. She feels torn in so many different directions and can’t respond to everything as she would like. This frustration caused her to be an emotional wreck.  

What do you address first when you’re talking to someone like this? I started by letting her talk, including providing some Kleenex to wipe her tears. Then I pointed out that more than anything else she needed to turn her life over to Jesus Christ and ask Him to take over the management of her life. 
She had questions about getting herself more ready for such a step. I pointed out that she could never get more ready. All of us are sinners (Romans 3:23). That’s what qualifies us to turn to the Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s not that we are as bad as we could be. It does mean we’re as bad off as we can be. Sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2). 
Jesus Christ came to this earth to die for our sins and then be raised from the dead as a living Savior (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Once you ask Him to forgive you and come into your life to take over He will never leave you. He will be there with you even if your circumstances don’t change. He can help you endure or He might help you overcome. Either way you belong to Him and He is there with you for time and eternity. 
We prayed together as she asked Jesus Christ into her life. Now she is on an adventure with Jesus!
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