
In our last visit I quoted from an article by Diane Ackerman. She affirmed, “Whatever language a child hears becomes an indelible part of their lives, providing the words they’ll use to know and be known.” I remember visiting a young mother in the hospital right after giving birth to her first child. When I started talking to her, her child immediately stirred. The mother said, “My child must have recognized your voice, since I always listened to your radio program during my pregnancy!” Research confirms a child in the womb picks up emotion, movement and sound and what they experience becomes a part of their internal data base. That puts new meaning to the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:36, “I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken.” I remember, a couple sitting across the aisle from me in an almost empty airline. I was reading my Bible as the flight took off. The man said to me, “That’s a good book you’re reading!” I responded with a smile, “It sure is!” Immediately he asked, “Are you Lud Golz?” When I assured him I was, he enthusiastically said, “I listen to your program every morning!” We had a delightful conversation the rest of the flight. But just think, if I had complained to the stewardess when she gave me a cup of coffee and a dried up muffin, his enthusiasm for my program would have diminished quickly and the impact of my program on him in the future would’ve been short circuited. Our words in our homes and in public have power in the lives of other’s for good or evil. This is especially true of children.

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