
I would like to share with you over the next few weeks some principles I learned and then applied to my life based on 2nd Thessalonians1.  Beginning with this year I am living out what I learned from Paul’s prayer in verses11-12 of this chapter.  To understand these verses it is important to consider what he said leading up to them. 
To do this study I will use what I call a 4 “S” approach: spread, sort, structure and summarize. After reading 2nd Thessalonians 1 start by spreading out what Paul says by writing down each detail you come to. 
For example, the chapter begins with an introduction. Here Paul introduces his teammates Silas and Timothy. The book was addressed to the church of Thessalonica. This church had a relationship with God the Father and Jesus Christ. Put this way, Paul implies that the Father and Jesus Christ are equal. 
This relationship with God opens the door for them to experience grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. As the providers of grace and peace the Father and Jesus Christ are again put together as equals. Paul then begins his prayer with thanksgiving. In this he affirms their growth in faith and that their love for each other is increasing. 
Let me encourage you to read the rest of the chapter, noting all of the details included in this prayer of Paul for the church in Thessalonica.  Spread this information out before you and meditate on it.  We’ll continue this study in our next visit.

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