
When God delivered the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt He had four things in mind.  First, He wanted to free them from their fierce bondage and suffering and bring them into the land He promised Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 6:6-8).  Second, He wanted the Israelites to know He is who He claimed to be: their deliverer (Exodus 6:7).  Third, He wanted the Egyptians to know He is the one who delivered the Israelites from their bondage (Exodus 14:18).  Finally, He wanted to gain glory for Himself through it all (Exodus 14:18). 

God allowed the heat of persecution to intensify as a result of the plagues, until Passover night.  The Egyptians were so traumatized by the loss of the firstborn from every family, including animals, that they begged the Israelites to leave, even providing them with many material possessions.  

Their exodus, however, hardly got started before Pharaoh and his army pursued them.  With the Red sea before them, mountains on both sides, and the Egyptian army approaching, God saw their fear.  It was then He gave Moses a glorious promise – an impact statement: “Do not be afraid.  Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today…The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14:13-14). 

Whatever trauma or enemy you might be facing today, take time to reflect on this promise.  Trust Him to be your great deliverer.  He might ask you to stand still or go forth.  Whatever He says, trust and obey Him, and you will find Him faithful and true.  

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