
After the prophet presented his complaints to God in the form of prayers in chapter one of Habakkuk, he didn’t quite know what else to do. He wasn’t satisfied with what he heard from God nor did he believe he would be able to convince the people he was sent to serve to repent and turn to God.  

Do you ever get to a place like this in your prayer life?   What should you do when this happens? This is what Habakkuk did: “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint” (Habakkuk 2:1). 
The city of Jerusalem had a wall around it and at various places on that wall there were ramparts. Watchmen would be stationed there to watch and see if there was anything happening out on the horizon. He could then pass on any information to those in authority and they could get the people ready for what might lie ahead. This was a step beyond being sensitive to notice when God might want to say something to me. This was intentional waiting and listening with a spirit of expectation. 
He didn’t say, “I will look to see if God will say something to me.” He was expecting God to say or show him something. He was expecting God to answer his questions and complaints so he could be at peace with God’s plan and better challenge God’s people to repent, return to God, and prepare for whatever might come upon them. 
He was not disappointed. It’s not clear how long he waited for God’s answer but it is clear God did respond and answer. God always does respond to the seeking heart. 
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