
We have been studying the topic of “love” as presented in John 13-17. First we collected what is said about love in the thirty references to it in these 5 chapters. Then we started correlating what we found into an outline. 

We’ve looked at the Father’s love for His Son Jesus and for us. We also considered Jesus Christ’s love for the Father and for us. Now consider with me what these references say about our love.
What does Jesus want us to experience and express regarding unconditional love and natural affection? Take some time to answer this question on your own in preparation for our next visit. There are two things Jesus emphasizes in these chapters: He wants us to love Him. That is first and foremost. Then He commands us a number of times to love one another.
Listen to what He says in John 15:12, “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.” Let me encourage you to memorize that verse. One of my objectives in studying and teaching God’s Word is to help others discover for themselves what the Bible says about the things God has provided and wants them to experience. I want every Christian to learn how to do this. 
I’ve prepared a booklet on Bible study methods that I’d like you to use as needed. You can download a copy from bottom of my home page on this website. If you can’t do that then email me: ludgolz@aol.com. When you do, be sure to include your mailing address. I’ll get it in the mail to you as soon as possible. It will explain the study methods we’ll use in doing this study on love.
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