
Happy New Year!

In our last visit I encouraged you to embark on an adventure, committing yourself to read through the Bible during the next two years.  Read it through in two!  This will require reading about 2 chapters a day.  I have literature to help you in this endeavor.  But I can’t do the reading and study for you.  You’ll need to set a pattern for yourself.

Be sure to have a Bible available at an appropriate place where you can read and study undisturbed.  You’ll want to have a notebook so you can write down any insights or questions you come across.  Make time to stop and focus when God speaks to you in a special way.  Use one of the study methods I share on this program to help you in your pursuit of truth.  Pray for God’s guidance and enlightenment by His Spirit as you approach each time of reading and study.  Like Habakkuk of old, as you wait on God expect to get an answer from God from His Word.  Habakkuk 2:1-2 reads: “I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me.”  Then the Lord said, be ready to write down what I say to you.

The purpose for this kind of discipline is not just to be able to say you have a better understanding of the Bible, but that you’ll be able to order your own life in a way that’s more consistent with what God directs.  It also will equip you to share with others what God has to say to help them find and experience the power of truth in their lives.  If we do this, I believe our lives will be enriched and better prepared to serve God.

So why not join others on this journey: “Read it through in two!”  Start by reading Genesis 1 and 2 today, 3 and 4 tomorrow, and so forth.

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