
In our last two visits we’ve done the first two steps of a “4S” or 4 steps approach to studying the Bible, to study Acts 2:42-47.  First we spread out the information found in these verses and then I encouraged you to sort this information into groups and describe each group.  This is the groundwork for the third step – structure an outline from what you’ve put together thus far.  When I did this I came up with the following outline:

1. What the apostles did: They taught the new converts, performed wonders and miracles, and met with fellow believers in large and small groups. 

2. What the new believers did: They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship, to breaking bread and to prayer.  In addition, they shared what they had with any in need and met with fellow believers daily in the temple courts and from house to house. 

3. What those in the world around them did:  They looked favorably on what God was doing among the believers and some converted to the faith.

4. What the Lord did:  He performed wonders and miracles through the apostles, saved people and added new converts to the church daily. 

Once you structure the outline determine a main theme.  A word that came to mind as I meditated on the material in the outline was TOGETHERNESS. 

With this title and outline in place you are ready to develop some applications to your life based on what you discovered in your study.

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