
We’ve been studying Mark 6:30-56 using the “4S” study approach: spread, sort, structure and summarize.  

First, spread out before you what you find in these verses.  Then sort and structure the information into an outline: for example, the title I gave to my outline was, Antidote to Burnout.  The main points under that title were: Recognize your need, take steps to meet your need, be prepared for obstacles, and then “faith it” with Jesus.  

If you take the first three steps in the outline and you don’t see or experience what you thought would be the solution, then you need to just “faith it.”  That is, you need to put your hope in Jesus.  He is the only, ultimate solution to your need.  When you flesh out this outline you will then want to summarize what you have discovered in some personal applications to your own life.  

Let me share some examples of applications I developed based on my study: Always recognize that no solution will be found without first having a personal relationship with Jesus.  Then, monitor and maintain as close to a full tank of spiritual and physical energy as is possible.  Take drastic steps to get refilled if your tank is dry.  

Though you can do a lot to do this, like getting away periodically for rest and renewal, recognize that only Jesus is adequate for the task.  Trust him if your plans work out, and especially if they don’t work out.  And finally, don’t be surprised at the enemy’s strategy to frustrate your plans to refill or maintain your spiritual and physical vitality.  

As odd as it seems, you have to work hard to make time to get alone with Jesus and get some rest!    


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