
Are you so busy in your life that you don’t recognize the gauge on your physical and spiritual energy tank is reading dangerously low? That is easy to do in our fast paced world. In our “4S” study of Mark 6:30-56 we see that the disciples were in such a state, and Jesus had to initiate an antidote to burnout, point two in the outline: Take steps to meet your need – or make time to rest and refill your energy tank. What are the steps Jesus took to get the disciples to address their need to refill their internal energy tanks? They are found in verse 31, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Get away from the busyness. Go to a quiet place. Get some rest. And remember to do it with Jesus, that is, be confident that He is there with you when you’re getting rest just as much as when you’re busy in the thick of the battle. Then, don’t forget that there will be all kinds of obstacles to hinder you. It won’t be easy. Others, who have their own needs, won’t understand your need to get alone, and they will intrude into your planned quiet time. You might have to postpone meeting your own need to care for theirs, as the disciples did. But take care not to put off your own need too long. Jesus watched closely, and as soon as it was possible he sent his disciples off in their boat so they could get alone, while he took care of the crowd. Finally they got some quiet on the tranquil lake away from the crowds. When was the last time you did this? What steps are you going to take to be refreshed and refilled physically and spiritually?

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