
As we begin this New Year let me ask you a simple question, “If you were not afraid of failing and you didn’t consider your circumstances, what would you like to attempt for God this year, or in the years to come?”  

Fear of failure robs us of so much of what God would like for us to experience. Our circumstances might be so overwhelming we can’t see ourselves attempting anything more than just surviving. 
Yes, but God can work in and through us in spite of our circumstances. He has done it before and is fully capable of doing it again. Why not dream a little about some possibilities as you begin to enter the New Year, 2013. Let’s ask God to enlarge our boundaries, enlarge our faith and energize our will to attempt great, new things for Him. 
My Mother never went to school in her life. She worked away from home while still a child. When she came to faith in Jesus Christ at age 16 her mother threatened her with her life, but she pressed on in her walk with Christ. When baptized she was given a Bible. She wanted to learn what it had to say about her Christian life so she prayed that God would help her learn how to read. Slowly but tenaciously she taught herself to read. 
Before she died I had the privilege of talking to her and found out that she was reading Jeremiah over again at the age of 86! God’s Word was so precious to her. Her life’s verse was, Hebrews13:8, “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Let me encourage you to follow her example. Make the reading of the Bible a high priority in 2013 so you get to know Jesus better!
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