Getting God's Message Getting God's Message Program Transcripts
Pastor Lud Golz
Pastor Lud Golz

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  Home | Transcript Archive | April | April 08, 2010

Thursday, April 08, 2010

As I read over 1 Thessalonians 2::3-6, I noticed Paul gives us a list of contrasts between what he would consider to be false teachers over against God appointed and approved teachers. Making lists helps you see the contrasts more clearly and grasp the truth Paul emphasizes.  

He declares his teaching and ministry did not spring from the following: in verse 3 – error, impure motives or trickery, in verse 4 – an endeavor to please men, in verse 5 – greed, flattery or deception, and in verse 6 – a desire to seek the praise of men. This list exposes wrong motives, wrong tactics and wrong objectives. 
When Paul appealed for men to turn to God his motive was pure and not based on error. He didn’t resort to trickery, flattery or deception. His objective was not greed or a desire to please men and get their praise. 
All character flaws revolve around self. The mind-set to avoid is this: whatever is necessary; get people to do what you want them to do. False teachers routinely resort to these manipulative techniques. They do this under the guise of being your friend and helper. 
Many who genuinely desire to be helped are led astray. They are tricked by flattery. They don’t see the deception taking place. They enjoy the attention given them at first. They even fall into the trap of following others who praise such teachers. Under their spell they are sitting ducks for being ripped off. They are blind to error and greed. 
Don’t follow anyone who poses as a man or woman of God who under scrutiny is guilty of any or all of these character flaws.  Do a reality check.

Getting God's Message with Lud Golz, P.O. Box 167, Novelty, Ohio 44072

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