Getting God's Message Getting God's Message Program Transcripts
Pastor Lud Golz
Pastor Lud Golz

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  Home | Transcript Archive | April | April 23, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

In our last visit we began a biographical study of the author of the Gospel of Luke.  We saw, based on the record of Paul’s journeys, the author of Acts was an associate of Paul in some of his journeys.  When you find Luke is referred to as an associate in some of Paul’s writings it appears he is likely the author of Acts.  And if so, he is also the writer of the Gospel of Luke.

Colossians 4:14 says, “Our dear friend Luke, the doctor…sends greetings.”  In verses 11-12 it refers to some of Paul’s associates as the only Jews among his fellow workers.  Being referred to as distinct from them Luke would be considered a Gentile. 

According to a Biblical Dictionary, when referred to in 2nd Timothy 4:11 “he was with Paul sometime after he disappears from view at the end of” the book of Acts.  Philemon 24 lists him with fellow workers. 

When you correlate all this information we’ve collected into an outline it might look something like this.  1. Luke’s preparation for ministry.  2. Luke’s participation in ministry.  3. Luke’s publications as a significant part of his ministry.  Each point can be amplified further by what’s found in the Bible. 

It’s not clear where he was born or educated, but as a doctor he likely lived and practiced in or between the areas of Troas and Philippi.  Some suggest he was the man from Macedonia who called for help in Acts 16.


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